Appartements Rothensteiner
1070 Wien | Neustiftgasse 66 | Tel: + 43 - 1 - 523 96 43 |
Within walking distance to city center ...
The central location of our house makes your stay in Vienna particularly pleasant. Situated within easy reach of the shopping centers at Mariahlfer Strasse and the sights of the Wiener Ringstrasse like Parliament, Rathaus and the Imperial Ringstrassen Museums.
Public Transport like bus and underground are also located nearby.

Public transport:
You can book your airporttransfer directly The rate is from € 39,-- one way,one car(max.4 persons).
Vienna Airport Lines
bus as far as Station Westbahnhof, U6 to Burggasse-Stadthalle, Bus 48A to Zieglergasse / Burggasse, 1 minutes on foot or CAT/ City Airport Train as far as Landstrasse, U3 underground line to Volkstheater, Bus 48 A to Zieglergasse / Neustiftgasse, then a 1-minute walk
Underground line U6 to Burggasse-Stadthalle, Bus 48A to Zieglergasse/Burggasse, then a 1-minute walk
13A bus to Kellermanngasse, Bus 48A to Zieglergasse/Neustiftgasse, then a 1-minute walk
By car:
A1 Westautobahn
Take the Wien Auhof exit toward the city centre (Zentrum), Hietzinger Kai, Schönbrunner Strasse ,pass the Schloss Schoenbrunn (the summer palace) on the right hand side , turn left on to the Margaretengürtel, Gumpendorfer Gürtel, Mariahilfer Gürtel, Neubaugürtel, turn right into Burggasse, left into Kirchengasse, left into Neustiftgasse. Our house – Neustiftgasse 66 - is on the right hand side, easy to find because of our red canopy.
A2 Südautobahn
Take the exit toward the city centre (Zentrum), then Triester Strasse, turn left on to the Margaretengürtel, Gumpendorfer Gürtel, Mariahilfer Gürtel, Neubaugürtel, left into Kirchengasse, left into Neustiftgasse . Our house – Neustiftgasse 66 - is on the right hand side, easy to find because of our red canopy.
A4 Ostautobahn
Take the exit toward the city center ( Zentrum ), follow the Ringstrasse, pass by the State Opera on the right hand side, Opernring, Hofburg Pallace turn left into Schmerlingplatz . Go straight ahead on you will reach directly Neustiftgasse. Our House – Neustiftgasse 66- is on the right hand side, easy to find because of our red canopy.
Parking facilities
Parking on the street is chargeable from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm and costs EURO 2,50 per hour. You can get the necessary tickets from a tabak shop.
The nearest public parking garage is in Burggasse 85, a parallelstreet from Neustiftgasse , 350 metres walking distance, no need for reservation .
Have a good journey!